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How to Get Rid of Eye Cysts at Home

Updated: 08/17/2019

Sebaceous cysts are a term used to refer to either pilar cysts or epidermoid cysts. Pilar cysts originate from hair follicles and epidermoid cysts originate from the skin epidermis. Sebaceous cysts can happen to men and women from various age groups. A sebaceous cyst is harmless. It's a bump formed beneath the surface of the skin and containing a yellowish, foul-smelling, oily liquid[1]. This skin condition is caused due to several factors including blockage of sebaceous glands, basal cell nevus, surgical wound, high testosterone levels, swollen hair follicle, exposure to the sun, blocked sebaceous gland, skin trauma, acne-prone skin, excessive sebum production, and waxing and shaving, etc. A sebaceous cyst mostly appears on the scalp, face, ears, back, and scrotum or the upper arm. Some people often ignore sebaceous cysts until they disappear. However, you should treat the cysts when they cause swelling and pain of the skin. So, how to get rid of sebaceous cysts naturally? This article has all the great answers for you. Now read on to understand more.

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Top 15 Remedies On How To Get Rid Of Sebaceous Cysts Naturally

1. Potatoes

Potatoes are abundant in vitamin C content, which is beneficial for combating the dead skin cells[2]. Besides, the glycoalkaloids housed in potato contain antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, it helps to soothe the pain caused by a sebaceous cyst[3].


  • One medium-sized potato


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Take the potato at first and then slice into thin slices. Place the slices of potato on the cyst and use a bandage to secure it. Keep this application overnight and discard this potato slice the next day. Reapply a fresh slice of potato. Repeat this method once for one week for lessening the cyst size and noticing the significant difference in the cyst.

2. Castor Oil

Castor oil is often used for dealing with various skin ailments. It comprises the ricin, which treats the itching sensation and inflammation caused by cysts effectively. In addition to this, owing to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, castor oil heals the cyst and lowers soreness as well[4].


  • 1 teaspoon of castor oil
  • 1 hot water bottle


Take a clean washcloth and saturate it with the castor oil. Place this washcloth on your sebaceous cyst. Apply warm compress with a bottle of hot water to the washcloth for around 10 minutes. Repeat it 2 times a day for around four days for best results.

3. Cinnamon & Honey Remedy

how to get rid of sebaceous cysts

Cinnamon possesses microdermabrasion and antibacterial properties, which help de-clog the pores and deal with the cause of cyst effectively and naturally[5] [6]. Whereas the honey comes with anti-microbial properties, so it heals the skin and kills bacteria causing the cyst[7] [8] [9].


  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
  • 3 tablespoons of raw honey


Take 1 small bowl and add in the cinnamon powder together with raw honey. Mix all these ingredients well until you get a smooth paste. Take this resultant mixture and apply to the cyst liberally. Let the application dry for around 15 to 20 minutes. Afterward, with the help of lukewarm water, you rinse off the application carefully and pat dry. Repeating this process three times per day for one week will help you to battle the cyst quickly.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a common ingredient in many skin care products. It is also an effective ingredient in different hair care products. With natural healing and antibacterial agents, aloe vera will cool and reduce the inflamed regions fast and effectively[10]. It additionally contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties[11] [12]. These properties can help to reduce the swelling around the sebaceous cyst while preventing further infection. Additionally, it soothes the discomfort and pain caused by a sebaceous cyst.


  • 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel


Apply the gel directly to the cyst. Slightly massage this gel for around 1 to 2 minutes in circular motions so that it can penetrate deeper into your skin. You should leave this application to dry naturally. Following this procedure twice a day for around 6 days will remove sebaceous cysts quickly and naturally.

5. Tea Tree Oil

how to get rid of sebaceous cysts

Tea tree oil is beneficial for getting rid of sebaceous cysts due to its antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties[13] [14]. To use tea tree oil for treating the cyst, you need to follow the method below:


  • 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel
  • 1 cotton ball
  • 1 bandage aid


Clean the affected part with soap and water thoroughly. Saturate a cotton ball with the tea tree oil. Place the cotton ball on your sebaceous cyst and use a bandage to protect it. Leave on this application for a gap of eight and ten hours. After that, discard this cotton ball and wash off using lukewarm water. Follow this remedy once daily.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has acetic acid, which can destroy the infection-causing bacteria. Plus, it consists of some potent antifungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic qualities. Besides, it aids in balancing out the crucial acid of the body. This substance is also a strong external and internal cleansing agent that is great for removing sebaceous cysts. It further comes with antimicrobial properties, which may help to prevent infection of the sebaceous cyst[15]


  • 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cotton ball
  • 1 bandage
  • A clean washcloth


Immerse a cotton ball with the apple cider vinegar. Squeeze out excess vinegar gently and place it over your cyst. Use a bandage to secure the cotton ball and keep this application for overnight. Remove the bandage the following day and repeat this process. This procedure must be repeated once every day until the cyst's hard layer is formed. Gently remove the skin's hard layer and take the accumulated dirt content out of the cyst with the help of a dry washcloth. Cover the skin again by using a clean bandage and leave on this bandage for around 2 to 3 days. You can notice the new skin starts growing and the sebaceous cyst is disappeared entirely after 2-3 days.

7. Turmeric & Mint Leaves

how to get rid of sebaceous cysts

Mint can decrease the oil secretion of the skin and even lowers the inflammation caused due to the cyst. Turmeric on the other hand, has a natural skin healing property and possesses antibacterial properties, which will help to break down the cyst[16] [17]. Besides, it has curcumin, which exerts antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties[18] It may help reduce infection and inflammation around the sebaceous cysts.


  • ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • 6 mint leaves


Take a mortar and pestle and add in these mint leaves. Grind these leaves for one to two minutes to get a paste. Use a muslin cloth to extract the mint juice. Now add turmeric powder (1/2 teaspoon) to the mint leaves juice. Mix these ingredients well to gain a thick paste and liberally apply this paste to your sebaceous cyst. Leave this application to dry for half an hour before washing off with lukewarm water and pat dry. To combat the cyst totally, repeat the process thrice a day for around 4-5 days.

8. Rose Water & Sandalwood Powder

Rosewater provides a cooling sensation to your inflamed skin and is also a good skin toner. Thanks to its antiseptic properties and germicidal properties, sandalwood powder restricts the growth of bacteria, causing the cyst[19]. As a result, this makes the cyst to heal faster.


  • ½ teaspoon of sandalwood powder
  • ½ teaspoon of rosewater


Add the rose water and sandalwood powder into a small bowl. Mix the prepared ingredients thoroughly to attain a thick paste and apply to your affected regions with this resultant paste. Let this application dry for fifteen to twenty minutes. Use lukewarm water to wash off this application and pat dry afterward. This procedure must be reapplied thrice a day for one week for eliminating the cyst.

9. Milk Thistle Tea

how to get rid of sebaceous cysts

Milk thistle may help reduce soreness and inflammation caused by cysts since it contains bioflavonoid[20]. It is also a natural body cleanser that restricts the formation of toxins, thus avoiding the formation of the cyst.


  • 1 teaspoon of dried milk thistle
  • 1 cup of water


Bring the water to a boil. Add the dried milk thistle into the boiling water and let the water boil for three minutes. Cover the vessel and then remove from heat. You strain this milk thistle tea after one minute and discard the leaves. Consume the milk thistle tea warm twice daily for one week to naturally remove sebaceous cysts.

10. Witch Hazel

how to get rid of sebaceous cysts

Witch hazel comes with the excellent astringent properties and contains tannin[21].Therefore, it helps to take excess oil out of the skin surface and treats the blocked sebaceous glands too.


  • 2 to 3 drops of witch hazel


Take the witch hazel on your fingertips and directly apply this oil to the cyst. Slightly massage the affected area for one to two minutes in circular motions. This process needs to be followed once daily until your sebaceous cysts shrink and are removed completely.

11. Tea Bags

Tea bags have rich properties, which are very effective at removing the sebaceous cyst symptoms. Additionally, tea bags consist of anti-inflammatory agents and are useful in soothing the pain and irritation caused by this problem[22].


  • 1 tea bag
  • ½ cup of warm water
  • 1 bandage


Take warm water and soak the prepared tea bags in it. Let this tea bag soak for around two minutes in warm water and apply that tea bag to your cyst. Secure the tea bag by using a bandage on your affected area. Allow this application to stay on your cyst for around 9 minutes. Remove and discard the tea bag afterward. You can treat the sebaceous cysts and its symptoms easily and quickly by following this method thrice a day for one week.

12. Epsom Salt

The potent anti-inflammatory agents housed in Epsom salt aids in draining out the dirt and pus accumulated in the cyst quickly. It also helps to soothe the pain and inflammation caused due to cysts easily[23].


  • 2 teaspoons of Epsom salt
  • ¼ cup of water


Bring water to a boil and add in the prepared Epsom salt. Stir the water thoroughly until the salt is dissolved completely. Apply it to your cyst and leave this application to dry. By applying this solution five times per day, you will clean the cyst and heal the skin quickly.

13. Frankincense Oil

how to get rid of sebaceous cysts

Frankincense essential oil comes with the anti-inflammatory along with antibacterial properties, which make it a suitable and potent home remedy for treating sebaceous cysts[24] [25]. Additionally, it's analgesic in nature and relieves the pain caused by this problem.


  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil
  • 3 drops of frankincense oil


Mix the essential oil with olive oil. Mix well and apply it to the affected region. Leave it on like that and do this thrice per day. Keep in mind to use diluted frankincense oil. Children and pregnant women must consult a doctor before using this essential oil.

14. Garlic Paste

With its antimicrobial agents, garlic may help to significantly decrease the infection around the sebaceous cysts[26]. Garlic can also destroy the bacteria causing the cyst because of its antiseptic properties. It also comprises of antibacterial and antifungal agents, which heal the cyst efficiently.


  • 2 -3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 bandage
  • Pestle & mortar


Peel these garlic cloves first and add the peeled garlic into a pestle and mortar. Grind the cloves of garlic till you obtain a smooth paste. After this, apply the paste to the cyst and apply a bandage over this garlic paste. Allow it to sit on the cyst for around 12 minutes. Use plain water to wash off this garlic paste and gently pat dry the skin. Follow the process once daily for four to five days.

15. Potassium Iodide

Potassium iodide is commonly used as an antiseptic agent in dentistry. It assists in treating the cyst and ensures quick healing as well, because it comprises anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and wound healing properties[27].


  • Potassium iodide solution


Apply this solution directly to your affected region and leave it like that. For best and visible results, repeat this treatment twice or thrice per day.

Additional Tips To Prevent Sebaceous Cysts

Apart from following these above remedies, you should also pay attention to some essential steps below. These steps will help to prevent and treat the sebaceous cysts faster and effectively.

  • Eliminate toxins from your body by drinking at least eight glasses of water per day.
  • Consume lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to maintain a healthy diet. Reduce the consumption of spicy and oily foods to prevent the occurrence of the cyst.
  • Exercise frequently because physical activities help to regulate the hormonal production, which inhibits sebaceous cysts.
  • You can stay away from the flare-up of cysts by using water and soap to clean the affected region regularly. Besides, use skin care products with oil-free.
  • Avoid squeezing or scratching the sebaceous cyst harshly since it can result in further infection.
  • Frequently sterilize the shaving tools and blades used for curing the skin problems.

Instead of choosing painful or expensive treatments, it is always best to opt for a few simple and safe home remedies. All of these natural treatments are amazing and highly beneficial for removing the cysts. Consult a specialist instantly if the issue prolongs. If you know other effective and natural ways on how to get rid of sebaceous cysts, then tell us. We also welcome any feedback or questions.

  • Body care
  • Foods for healthy skin

How to Get Rid of Eye Cysts at Home
